Maxgroup Business Solutions © Copyright 2014
Non-Profit Organizations
Today's economic climate is posing an even tougher challenge for
non profits to raise the funds necessary to focus on their mission.
"All other challenges pale in comparison to the need for funding to
keep our doors open and accomplish our mission," wrote Dr. Roshani
Shay of the Hawaii Wellness Institute.
It is essential that you have the tools to stay in communication with
your members. It's time to upgrade your non profit's
communications to our integrated MaxGroupPro All-In-One
messaging service. Stop paying for a separate emailing service, a
separate mobile texting service, and a separate voice broadcast
service and more.
Create Your Church's Own Mobile Keywords
You've seen the same technology on American Idol or heard it on
the radio. People can text your keyword to 70000 to join your
mobile distribution list and start receiving your messages on their
phones. You can also setup an automated response to be texted
back to them.
Here Is An Example Of How MaxGroupPro Helps Spiritual Organizations
Send A Mobile Text, Email, Voice Broadcast, IM, or ALL To Broadcast:
Setup A Unique Mobile Keyword For Your:
- Jr. high and high school ministry
- Young adult and singles ministry
Here's An Example:
1. Person texts "YourChurchName" to 70000
2. Person receives an automated text message right back. Maybe something like, "Youth group meets every Wed night in the main hall @ 7:30. Broomball tournament this Friday and guest speaker on Sunday so come out!"
3. Person has opted in to join your mobile list by texting your keyword, and now using MaxGroupPro you can text this person in the future to keep him/her connected.
Create An Online Sign Up Form To
Collect Contact Information:
Create an Online Sign-up page for every distribution list you want
to create. You can customize the background of each sign up page
differently to match each and every occasion and your website's
design. Collect mobile numbers, IM screen names, and email
addresses. You can collect one type of contact information, or
ALL of them.
Staying In Communication Is Essential
Facilitating communications amongst members of a non-profit or social organization can be a full time job. The most difficult task is reaching members in a timely fashion. Direct mail takes too long,
e-mails are rarely read these days and making phone calls takes
time and some members may just be plain hard to reach.
MaxGroupPro SMS text messaging is the wave of the future and the
easiest way to communicate with a large group of people.
MaxGroupPro SMS text messaging allows leaders of these
organizations to invite their members to opt-in their mobile data
base and be able to instantly send messages to everyone or a
specific group. 98% of text messages are read and almost everyone
keeps their cell phones with them all day. Unlike direct mail,
MaxGroupPro SMS text messaging allows recipients to reply –
therefore, members can confirm their attendance.
With the click of a button, members of your organization will receive
your message and be instantly informed. MaxGroupPro SMS text
messaging also gives you the ability to promote fund raisers to the
masses by promoting your organization using your keyword and
short code number 70000 (depending on your plan) on marketing
materials and having members of the community join your mobile
text data base to be informed of upcoming events.