Maxgroup Business Solutions © Copyright 2014
With One Click You Can Alert Thousands Of Students Immediately:
In case of an emergency, contacting students on every mode of communication ensures they receive the alert -
whether they're in front of a computer or not.
Setting Up Your School Takes A Minute:
You can create an account, setup your school's Online Sign Up page and Mobile Keyword, and start sending alerts via mobile text, IM, and email in minutes.
Online Sign Up
Automatically collect students'mobile phone numbers, instant message screen names, and email addresses using an easy-to-setup online form. Students can easily update their contact information at anytime so you don't have to.
Mobile Keyword
Create your school's own mobile keyword (e.g. your SchoolName). Students can text it to start receiving important school alerts on their phones. Students have seen the same mobile technology on MTV and American Idol, so they're already very familiar with it.