Maxgroup Business Solutions © Copyright 2014
Restaurant promotions and advertisements are essential for the success of your business. Customers are drawn in by promotional ads and discounts they receive by mail, newspapers, flyers, e-mail etc. These marketing tools have been effective, however, they are
not direct or personalized. Customers may even receive these after
the promotion has ended. MaxGroupPro offers restaurants the ability
to market to your customers who frequent your establishment or
who are interested in visiting your restaurant.
MaxGroupPro Marketing and SMS text messaging for restaurants is a new and innovative way for you to build a client base and customer loyalty. Customers will receive promotions in the palm of their hand instantly and all they have to do is show their text message when they come in. No more worrying about forgetting a coupon or a flyer they received in the mail.
Mobile Coupons Are Much More
Effective Than Paper Ones!
It's simple. People don't redeem paper coupons like they used to. It's a hassle to print them, cut them out, and remember to keep them in your pockets so you can have them handy just at the right moment.
On the other hand, people have their phones with them at all times and so the redemption rates for mobile coupons are much higher compared to paper coupons.
By placing your MaxGroupPro SMS text messaging code on all of your advertisements you entice customers to text in to receive your promotion. That is also known as opting-in. By opting-in, a customer is giving your business permission to text them promotions whenever they become available – that also gives you the ability to market directly to those who are interested and enjoy what your business has to offer. No more wasting extra dollars on marketing to those who just throw away their mail.
MaxGroupPro gives you the ability to schedule future promotions or send out an instant promotion if you’re having a slow night. The benefits are endless and can only grow your clientele.
Use MaxGroupPro To Create Your
Restaurants Own Mobile Keywords
You've seen the same technology on American Idol, heard it on the radio, or seen it on a billboard. People can text your mobile keyword to MaxGroupPro's short code (70000) to join your mobile distribution list and start receiving your mobile coupons. You can also setup an automated message to be texted immediately back to your customers.
Text Messaging Is The Perfect Way To
Get The Word Out About:
- Discounts (30% off your next purchase)
- Free stuff (get a free ice cream cone with your next purchase)
- Any important announcement
Here's An Example:
1. Customer texts "Pizza" to 70000
2. Customer receives an automated text message right back. Maybe something like, "Thanks for joining our Mobile Coupon VIP List! Show this text to receive a free slice of pizza with your next purchase."
3. By texting your keyword, the customer has opted in to join your mobile distribution list, and now using MaxGroupPro you can text this person in the future to keep him/her connected.
Not everyday is a busy day. Especially with the economy in a slump, texting great offers is the only way to turn your slow days into busy
ones without planning weeks ahead of time. Even if you have to offer discounts, it's always better to have some business as opposed to no business.
How To Capitalize On Our MaxGroupPro Innovative Technology:
1. Invite your customers to join your mobile data base - post signs, table tents, menus that say “text “keyword” to 69302 or 70000 (depending on your plan) to receive a free appetizer or % off next visit”.
2. Have staff promote your mobile club to customers with the incentive of future discounts and special announcements.
3. Run a contest – when a customer joins your mobile data base they get a chance to win
a free gift card.
4. Send out a text message on a slow night giving your mobile data base members
“buy one get one” or discount offers for a limited time.
5. Hold VIP parties for your mobile text club members only.
6. Send a text promoting a new menu item or a special event being held at your restaurant.